How to calculate effective top tube length

Geometry Chart

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What reading Distributed Algorithms by Nancy Lynch cover-to-cover meant to me

Concurrency has always been of great personal interest to me. I purchased Java Concurrency in Practice by Goetz, the book with the trains on it, and would just look at the cover and think of when to start reading it…

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The Fearless Mind by Dr. Craig Manning

This blog is a summary of key points from The Fearless Mind by Dr. Craig Manning. This book helped me in my daily personal and professional life, and I hope that sharing the following concepts helps you as well.

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How I came to read the first half of Distributed Algorithms by Nancy Lynch

This blog is my story of how I came to read half of Distributed Algorithms by Nancy Lynch. This is a personal story, but also has ideas for how to learn and get unstuck.

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Learning Golang and Network Programming

This blog contains notes on mostly NTP Learning in conjunction with reading the ntpc.go module in this Github repo vladimirvivien/go-networking.

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How Import to an IAM Role into Cloudformation

This is a blog about importing an existing IAM Role into Cloudformation(CFN). An IAM Role is one of the supported resource types that can be imported into CFN. The use case for doing this is that you may have resources that were created via the AWS Console, and you want to move them to version control.

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One Month of TLA+ Learning Adventure

In this blog, I share my experience from learning TLA+ for one month. This blog does not teach TLA+. Instead, I link to resources for those who are interested in learning TLA+. All resources are free as of this blog.

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2021 EOY Blog

The year of the learning adventure.

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Thoughts on the InfoQ talk Netflix Networking Beating the Speed of Light with Intelligent Request Routing

This blog is about my thoughts on the InfoQ talk: Netflix Networking: Beating the Speed of Light with Intelligent Request Routing1. This is a top notch talk. Even if you are not into networking, you can learn something from the methodologies discussed in this talk. After listening to this talk, I was like “wow!”, and so I just want to share some thoughts on the talk as they relate to myself and other learning.

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What I Learned from 1 Year of AWS Custom Resource

The title of this article could have also been, “Using AWS Custom Resource’s.” or maybe “AWS Custom Resource Gotchas and how to avoid them.” Either way, the goal of this article is to talk about usage and gotchas. With that said, this article is meant to be in addition to the AWS Official Documentation, linked below the References. I will highlight a few important aspects of AWS Custom Resources with the way that they work.

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How to create Golang code snippets in VSCode

Here is how to create Golang code snippets in VSCode.

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Value Objects

Hello! This blog discusses the pattern of value objects as I use them, why they are useful, and some real world use cases.

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One Year of Hobby Coding Erlang

I am Celebrating 1 year of hobby coding Erlang as of May 15, 2020. I was talking with my wife and a couple of things stood out about reaching this milestone. There’s some important things that I learned, and some of these have been outside of programming. There are also some bridges that I have yet to cross and next steps that I’d like to list.

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A RDBMS for AWS using Django and Erlang

I have a dream for a tech stack where Python and Erlang live together. I feel like I took the first step towards that today. Here is an overview of a code spike for creating a Postgres DB with data from AWS and reading from the same Postgres DB using Erlang.

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Code Elixir LDN 2019


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Erlang and Python Codejam

If you can read this Erlang code jam, the syntax is kind of insane. Just think about it. This is how to manipulate primitive types in Erlang. But not just that. After that is a Python codejam. Python is my main language. It will be fun to compare.

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Learn How to Code with a Code Challenge

The theme this week is to do a code challenge in a new language. For this week I will suggest a code challenge and solve it. I challenge you the reader to attempt the same challenge, or make another one up and solve it in a language that you are trying to get better at.

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Test Driven Development with Python

For this blog, I’m going to code up an example project in Python with unit tests. I’ll discuss unit testing while building doing the project. This blog could have been a precursor to Unit Testing Concepts with Python, which discusses more concepts then application. Okay, I hope that you enjoy. Let’s get started.

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Unit Testing Concepts with Python

In this blog I am going to discuss some concepts of Unit Testing. I will give some background about my experience and how I got started on unit testing. Then some thoughts and concepts on unit testing in order to best apply it. I will then show a code example in Python and discuss different unit testing concepts used.

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My Current Scenic Stroll Through TFX

This is a blog is about my current an ongoing stroll through the TFX library.

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What I know about Apache Airflow so Far

This is a blog recording what I know about Apache Airflow so far, and a few lessons learned. This blog is in no means exhuastive on all Airflow can do. Maybe the main point of interest for the reader is the workflow section on how to iterate on adding tasks and testing them.

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Tensorflow Dev Summit 2019


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Personal recap of this week

This is a personal blog of how this week went. Warning this blog isn’t meant as boasting. The week went really good. I’m not sure why. I need to find out. If I could have more weeks like this, well then wow! I could only hope. I’m recording this week for myself because it’s been pretty special.

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Convert a PyTorch model to C++ - using maskedrcnn-benchmark and torch.jit - Part 1

The next step in my project for putting a machine learning model in production is to put an initial model in production! So…, I’m somewhere towards the first full iteration. Obviously, a production machine learning model will need to be accessed, a data pipeline, etc…, and I haven’t done that yet, but first let’s convert a PyTorch model into C++.

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Learning Erlang

Let me tell you how Learing is. By this, I mean coding. The blog that you are about to read is written towards people who have mildly thought about coding. It’s not that hard, and you can get yourself into it fairly easy and it pays well. A lot of people might stop because of the learning curve, but you really just have to progress at you own rate. If you’re getting stuck, and this is an actual quote from Joe Armstrong,

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Training the maskrcnn-benchmark on my own hardware

My goal is to train a Machine Learning model on my own hardware and my own labeled dataset. In order to do this, I’ve been ramping up on the tools and software necessary to do this. This blog post is about Training the maskrcnn-benchmark on my own hardware

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Converting Labelme annotations to COCO dataset annotations

This is a short blog about how I converted Labelme annotations to COCO dataset annotations.

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Training an ML model on the COCO Dataset

My current goal is to train an ML model on the COCO Dataset. Then be able to generate my own labeled training data to train on. So far, I have been using the maskrcnn-benchmark model by Facebook and training on COCO Dataset 2014.

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Deep Learning Machine Build

This blog is about my experience building my first Deep Learning machine. There are plenty of great blogs and videos on how to do this. If you’re interested in how to do this only, skip to the References section, and I put links to all of the blogs / videos that I used.

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Install USB Wifi dongle on Ubuntu 18.04


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I am consolidating my commands that I have spread accross blog posts to just this one blog post. I’m going to maintain and update this post, so I’m not searching accross posts for how to do something!

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My init file is not running - init.d and chkconfig


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Android Meetup - A/B Test Experimentation/Feature flagging


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PyTorch Developer Conference 2018 - PTDC - part 1


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Python Unit Testing with MagicMock

This blog post demostrates how to mock in Python given different scenarios using the mock and pretend libraries.

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Using Git Aliases and How to Display the Current Git Branch Name in a Terminal Prompt

Here are two Git workflow hacks that help me be more productive.

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Intro to Graphs

The goal of this blog post is to distill down my learning of Graph Theory. The following learning took about 8 hours of my time, so if I can give it to someone in a single blog post with links for further reading, then I hope that I’m adding value to the reader.

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virtualenv Cheatsheet

A virtualenv is one of the first things a Python programmer learns about. This blog post describes what it is, how to set it up, and examples of some concrete use cases.

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Multithreading in Python

This blog post is about Processes, Threads, and the GIL in Python. Because of the way that the Python GIL operates, it may be different than one initially expects, so this blog post is an attempt to discuss this in more detail.

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Analyzing the Pandas Series Apply Method

I saw the Pandas.apply method and started thinking about this pattern and if it’d be useful to implement on other objects. Here’s a brief blog about the pattern.

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Reusable Test Database Pattern in Django!

This is a short blog post about the resusabled database pattern that I use for working on Django projects.

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