
I am consolidating my commands that I have spread accross blog posts to just this one blog post. I’m going to maintain and update this post, so I’m not searching accross posts for how to do something!


Jupyter Notebook commands

Remote notebook setup

Here is how to launch Jupyter on a remote server and then view and use Jupyter as if you were running it locally.

On remote server, run this. (Need to be in the directory of the project with all dependencies installed obviously)

jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8888

Locally. First make sure if the port has been previously bound to, that it’s unbound.

# unbind port
lsof -ti:8888 | xargs kill -9

# connect
ssh -N -f -L localhost:8888:localhost:8888 -i ~/.ssh/my.pem  username@hostname

Go to localhost:8888 in the browser and Jupyter should be loaded.


List all Process PIDs accessing a Port

lsof -ti:<port>

Kill all processes accessing a port

lsof -ti:<port> | xargs kill -9


Kill a process by PID

kill -9 <pid>

Kill process by name

pkill -f <name-of-process>


wget in background

wget -bqc url


To see which ssh processes are running, this will show ssh port forwarding

ps aux | grep ssh


count files in a dir - in order to check that the file count matches what was expected, or when the zip file didn’t fully download, or to check the image file count vs. expected.

ls -1 | wc -l


If a zip file didn’t fully download, fastjar can be used to unzip it.

Trying to unzip the file will give you:

unzip error “End-of-central-directory signature not found”

Use fastjar if the whole zip file didn’t download:

sudo apt-get install fastjar
jar xvf

StackExchange reference


equivalent to “tail nvidia-smi”

# keeps passed traces
nvidia-smi -l 1

# doesn't keep past traces
watch -n0.1 nvidia-smi
# list usb ports and connected devices

# configure network interfaces

# configure wifi network interfaces

# get detailed wifi info
iwlist <interface> s

# dynamic kernal support module

# ip show an manipulate routing, network devices, interfaces
ip link set <interface> up/down

# list hardware
lshw -C network

netplan apply

netplan --debug generate

# check if there's internet
ping -c3


# keeps passed traces
nvidia-smi -l 1

# doesn't keep past traces
watch -n0.1 nvidia-smi

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