A RDBMS for AWS using Django and Erlang

I have a dream for a tech stack where Python and Erlang live together. I feel like I took the first step towards that today. Here is an overview of a code spike for creating a Postgres DB with data from AWS and reading from the same Postgres DB using Erlang.

The Stack

The stack consists of technologies that I currently use or have used in the past. It’s familiar. So far, the stack consists of:

  • Python3
  • Django
  • PostgerSQL
  • Erlang

Let’s see it

This is best demostrated by examples, so I’m going to refer to the Github Repo’s and READMEs.


Here is the Django/Python README: https://github.com/aaronlelevier/djangoaws.

This code can be used to create a PostgreSQL database, migrate the schema, and populate it with data from AWS EC2.


Then here is example code for connecting to the same database setup and populated by Django, but reading from it using Erlang: https://github.com/aaronlelevier/motivatedcoder


This is a code spike. The code could be extend for more AWS resources, or connected to other parts of tech stack.

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