Code Elixir LDN 2019
Interesting thing. Do you know that if you go to the conference website, this blog uses the same slug? Here’s the link. Or you can trust that the link is the same as the href text below.
Code Elixir London
This blog post is from my conference notes. I took 10 pages of notes. The notes however got soaked by rain inside my backpack because it was raining so hard the next day and I cycled to Richmond Park. They have since dried up pretty good though. Here are notes. They are not in exact cronological order of the speeches because when I dried out the pages the order was messed up.
Annotated notes may be part 2. For now it was just a lot to copy 10 pages of notes, fixing spelling and typos errors and so on.
Conference Notes
Here we go :)
understand the team level
review project - understand level
flash cards - improves recall
pair programming (for 3 hours) others can view but don’t interupt
teaching - ask for understanding first, listen, then add, not the other way around
why? options
positive reinforcement
pair programming - be writing code or code challenge, to understand how to help
mentor - focus on teaching concepts
Performant String Processing in Elixir - work at Castle
Erlang Term Storage (ets) - like Redis for Erlang. read/writes in constant time. Replace map
with ets:table
streams - read data as a stream and only split 1x
iolists - can call print 1x instead of per line. List of strings vs. list of references
Thought Process
- confirm problem
- set goal
- create benchmark
- iterate on changes
- consider tradeoffs
can’t pass a ets:table
between processes
can pass a map
between processes
binary compile pattern - for pattern matching strings
Unix Interface Design Patterns - book
dtrace - to fully trace system calls
nible csv - csv paring library
Elixir for IoT by James
everything that is a physical IoT thing is a process
have a durable message store
John Hughes - Lambda Days talk Feb 2019 - also IoT related
communication is all using binary
Gattling - load testing for Users
Mocks - testing devices - use mocks for send / receive to IoT device
Akka - other async language
The Little Typer - book
Nerves - for embedded devices
IoT <—> Cloud <—> Demand Response Predictor
1984 - by George Orwell - book
Type Classes and Programming Vocabulary - Erlang Solutions, Michael
productive / inspiring - did a venn diagram of the two potentially overlapping but said lets think of then not overlapping
- Semigroupoid
- Contravarient
- Monad
- Comonad
- Traversible
- Monoid
- endofactors
- functor
- Applicative
Type Class - is the interface
Functor - an iterable that a func can be applied to. Should return the same number of items. Traversible
Brookly Zelentak @ espede Elixir
- GenServer
- Supervisor
- Process
- Actor
- Enum
- Stream
- Task
- GenStage
design patterns
put all impure functions in a module called effects
learn the concepts and words then apply them
Resisting object Oriented Programming - works at MailChimp
hegemony - vocab word - means someone dominating - can be physical or by concept
Gang of Four - design patterns
LU Cache - least recently used Cache
Factories - there are faults
Hold My State
always initialize with a default state
- process calculates and returns a value each time before accepting another message
- provides psuedo back pressure - if process has to answer back before accepting more work
- send messages + don’t wait for reply
- request values whenever
- kill process + clan up if don’t respond after 10 sec for example
- (I missed this part of the talk)
Event Sourcing in Elixir
Everything that occurs is recorded as a Domain Event and saved in Event Store
Process can subscribe to the Event Store
Read Stores - can be created to organize data for use by API, UI, etc…
Language for Producing Types
Pure Func - maintainable, can run in parallel
Keyword List - Elixir type, Erlang record type?
umbrella application - allow for plug + play, dependency injection, ubiquitous language, releases, delete ability
Why not umbrella? - if project is small, start with monolith, avoid circular dependencies until business domain is known
Interface programming
Struct for create - structs give compile time guarantee, type checking
Interface | Business Logic |
impure functions | pure functions |
create -> | |
<- struct | |
struct -> | -0 |
UI Testing with Hound - by Vanessa Lee from Interactive Vacations
to do Selenium tests using Elixir
target elements, xpath
use execute scripts - to call Javascript to input text in to a form
take screenshot, move mouse, keystroke
Property Based Testing - book
Can do this testing for checking various different inputs to the same form, func etc…
The Alchemists Code
3-7 years to become a senior engineer
Painting Analogy
- work in teams
- use templates - frameworks
Separate a Project by Context
Contexts are like a microservice, have their own domain and should be isolated from other Context
Can draw a dependency graph between models
model is aware of another module by importing, sharing a struct, then that’s a dependency
context - could also be though by directory
Should be NO cross context communication
Service -> Model
Service -> IO -> Model
Pyramid, from top down could be thought of:
- Service
- IO
- Model
Example path pattern to use:
Model - Actors, pure functions
IO - for impure functions, calling anything external
Service - all business logic
Domain Modeling Made Functional - book
Restart GenServer w/ new State
state -> perform -> new state
move impure functions to boundry. This is the:
- interface
- most public functions
- 1st function called that calls other functions
architecture - event based architecture - all requests sent to broker and distributed from there
aka Brokered approach
confident code
- unit test
- integration test (don’t mock db)
- credo
- formatter
- dialyzer
smoke tests - selenium
test coverage
property test
discuss concepts
- what - question
- why
- how
Error Free Elixir
design code w/ error handling in minde
source of errors
- users
- other services
- infrastructure
- developers
let it crash
error tuples
- reasonable defaults
- declarative operations
- don’t fight the real word
think idempotent - if get cancel command 2x let the 2nd one pass because the goal to cancel has been achieved so it’s not an error
handle the error correctly for what it is
understand if it is an error, why did it happen
can we recover from the error
A Philosophy of Software Design - John Ousterhout - book
The Art of Destroying Software - Greg Young - talk
Understand real use cases of the application in order to reduce error handling + understand what reall is an error or not
Build a CLI in Elixir
- light weight
- can utilize OS
- infrastructure level features
- reproduceability
run app, output data to JSON, can then run JSON as an event command, etc…
Developer Experience - robust, speedy, visually intuitive
Option Parser - Elixir argument parsing module
use colored text in terminal
whne debugging - can reference same script + call with arguments reference secrets for environment variables in prod
don’t reinvent language - use standard commands
stdout / stderror - be able to easily customize logging
Exit Codes - don’t use 0/1 - have an error code per failure type
fail fast
lightening talks - structured series of programming exercises
community - social platform for sharing thinking - share software stack
portmidi - Elixir midi music player that uses LiveView for SVG UI
umbrella application with a single port
- don’t do it in test
- initialize at compile time
PubSub in Postres
LISTEN channel;
NOTIFY chanel;
Can have an Elixir process listening for Postgres Notifications
Ecto-sandbox - use to proxy to the database when locally testing a frontend app
- creates a separate DB for testing
- data API requests can be sent form App to DB
- natterbox
- red matter
- Telemetry
- Prometheus
closing keynote
The River by Bruce Tate from
- programming phoenix
- dsesigning elixir otp systems
lifecycle - get failover for free; turn off + on again
concurrency - modeling real life objects
Platformatec, Bleacher Report, Dockyard - Chris, Le Tote, Erlang Solutions
Erlang Ecosystem Foundation - way to get involved
Garden Bot - IoT Elixir bot for watering garden
Texas Whitewater - by Steve Daniel - book
Stewardship Made Practical - by Stewart ? - talk
Outside Magazine - has a contest for the best places to live Outdoors
Regents Canal - places to go
“Elixir is done” - Jose Valim
Syntax is stable
- LiveView
- Scene
- Nerves
vote with your values, dollars, time, companionship
Speaking with the people
I am kind of bad with names. I started talking to someone about cycling. He recommended that I go to Richmond Park the following day. That’s what I ended up doing, and it was amazing. There’s deer with giant antlers, 2 lakes. It was great.
Everyone was so nice. Herb, it was great to talk with you, your friend, James, and the others.
We talked about the how the infix operator isn’t efficient for appending to the tail of a list. It is also the case for removing items from the tail of a list and the complexity is N square.
Everyone was so kind and welcoming.
Advice I got
Francesco, it was great to meet you. Thank you for some road map advice to consider after I’m done with Programming Erlang 2nd Ed., Joe Arstrong’s book.
- Erlang Programming: A Concurrent Approach to Software Development
- Defining Scalability for OTP
First learn concurrency, a process can only change it’s own state
Next, processes are an event handler, finite state machine. Client server, supervisor, worker, and so on
Glamorous Toolkit - editor
Purely functional data structures
The conference was a very unique oppurtunity and I appreciate it a lot. I hope to go to Code Mesh SF in March 2020. Or maybe the RabbitMQ conference.